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Garbage & Recycling

Curbside Garbage, Organics and recycling pick-up are provided for all residential properties in Redwater. 

Garbage pick-up is scheduled every Friday and recycling pick-up is every second Friday. 

Organic waste pick-up occurs on Fridays as well, with winter organics(Nov-Apr) being picked up monthly on the first Friday of the month.

Please see the 2025 GFL Calendar for pickup dates for Garbage, Organics and Recycling.

There is a printable copy here, GFL Pickup dates

Placement of Bins

Garbage bins, Organic bins and recycling items should be placed at the curb no later than 7:00 am on the pick-up date. Once pick-up has been completed, all bins must be removed from the roadway as soon as possible or no later than 9:00 pm on the collection day. 

If your garbage/recycling or organics were missed by GFL, please contact the Town Office immediately at 780-942-3519.

Organic Waste Bins

Check the poster below for information on what is acceptable to be placed in your Organics Bin.  

During the winter there are a few more things suggested to help with collection:

  • In winter, organics will freeze in the bins.  Place newspaper or cardboard in the bottom of the bin to ensure your bin will empty.
  • Loosen any frozen material before placing the bin.
  • Bag your compost in biodegradable/compostable bags. Not plastic.

In 2021 the minimum weight of 125kg a load for the Roseridge disposal site including the Redwater Transfer Station was introduced by the Roseridge Waste Commission.


If you have any questions or concerns regarding this or about access to the Roseridge facilities, please contact Susan Berry, Manager of the Roseridge Landfill:

Phone: 780-939-5678

Cell: 780-619-2585 

Or visit their website at

The Town of Redwater Utility Rates, Fees & Billings Bylaw 901 sets the parameters of the Town’s annual allowed tonnage limit, this is currently 500kg per calendar year free of charge. Once this limit is exceeded by the customer, charges will apply through the customer utility account.  The current minimum disposal fee is $5.52 for each 125kg.


Any questions or concerns related to this 500kg annual allowed tonnage limit, please contact the Town Office or complete the request form on our website

Phone: 780-942-3519


Hours of Operation - Redwater Transfer Station

Wednesday - Saturday 9 AM to 2 PM

Users of the Redwater Transfer Station must show a valid permit card upon entry. If you are unable to produce your card you will not be allowed to leave your garbage at the transfer station. If you have lost your card or have moved within the Town you will need a new card which can be obtained at the Town Office. A $5.00 fee will be charged to replace a lost card. 

Only residential garbage is accepted at the transfer station. Garbage from commercial or industrial businesses will not be accepted at the transfer station. Businesses are required to make their own arrangements for garbage and recycling. Please contact the Town Office if you require further information.

Your Town of Redwater transfer station permit is also valid at the Roseridge Landfill. 500 kg per calendar year may be taken directly to the Roseridge Landfill Station free of charge with each valid transfer station permit.  If you are unsure whether your permit is valid, please contact the Town Office before making a trip to the Redwater Transfer Station or the Roseridge Landfill Station.

Sturgeon County residents need to obtain permits at the Roseridge Landfill  before using the Redwater Transfer Station. For more information visit Sturgeon County website.

The Redwater Transfer Station accepts extra garbage that residents may have. There is a metal bin and oil drop drum as well. No construction waste such as drywall, insulation, concrete, or lumber is accepted. These materials must be taken to the Roseridge Landfill in Morinville.

The following items are also accepted for recycling at the Redwater Transfer Station.

  • Cardboard and Blue Bag recyclablesTown residents are provided with curbside recycling.
  • E-Waste (TV's, computers, electronics)
  • Paint
  • Used oil and oil containers
  • Tires
  • Scrap metal, stoves and dishwashers. 

This service is offered for residential use only. If you have any questions or would like more information please call Roseridge at 780-939-5678.

Garbage totes are picked up every Friday starting at 7:00 am. Please have your bin out on the street ready for pick up. If there is a change in pick up day you will be notified in the Review or by a note included with your utility bill. The only time pick up days usually change is if Christmas Day and New Years Day are on a Friday. On other holidays, such as Good Friday, pick up proceeds as normal. Bins must be removed from the curb by 9:00 pm on collection day. 

Organic Bin totes should be placed out at the same location as the garbage tote making sure to leave the totes approximately 1.3 m (4 ft) apart. 

Totes will not be emptied if they are not loaded correctly or contain inappropriate material.


What kind of refuse can I put in the container?

You place typical household garbage in the container. In the interest of container cleanliness, we encourage you to use plastic bags for wet garbage and to occasionally hose out your container. Please do not place grass, leaves or small branches in the waste container, but put these items in the second container with the green lid which is for organic wastes.

Where do I place the container on collection day?

Under normal circumstances, the container should be placed at or near the driveway or curbside pickup point approximately 1.3 m (4 ft) from any vehicle, other obstacle or another container, should you have more than one container. Place the container with the handle facing towards your house with the lid closed.

What about parking on collection days?

So that the collection truck can easily approach the containers, we ask that you do not park blocking the container on collection day. This should eliminate missed service due to blocked containers.

Who replaces damaged containers?

We expect residents or those responsible for damaging containers to replace them. The container remains the property of GFL Waste Services and must not be painted, abused, altered or modified in any way. Containers that are damaged or broken by GFL will be replaced at no charge. In order to have a bin replaced please drop by the office and complete the appropriate form.

What happens when a household moves?

The container is issued to an address and must not be removed from the premises. The container is left for use by the next resident.

Residential recycling pickup is every second Friday. The recycle schedule can be viewed on the community calendar on our home page or on the calendar above. 

Residents are reminded to have your items on the front curb by 7:00 am. 

If your recycling has not been picked up, check for a pink tag explaining what could be done differently to facilitate pickup. 

Refer to:

GFL's latest recycling brochure for more info. 

WHY BLUE BAGS ONLY?  Blue Bags are made from a recyclable material whereas some types of other bags are not. In addition, the blue color is a visual flag for our drivers, letting them know you have recyclables for pickup. Also, some communities have newspapers delivered in clear bags and may be mistaken for recycling if multiple types of bags are used. Bags keep the collectibles contained, both pre and post collection. Translucent blue bags allow for cursory inspection for non-recyclable items. Blue bags are available, in various sizes, from most grocery retailers.

The collection days are in the Local Events calendar. 

How should recyclables be placed on the curb?
  • Newsprint and heavy paper inside one blue bag.
  • Plastic and tin cans in another blue bag.
  • Collapsed and bundled corrugated cardboard (secured under the blue bag(s)/bin). 

Note that cardboard pieces can be no larger than 60 cm x 90 cm (2 ft x 3 ft).