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Strategic & Statutory Plans


2022-2031 Strategic Plan

Area Structure Plans

An Area Structure Plan (ASP) is a comprehensive planning document that outlines the development framework for a specific area within a municipality or region. It typically includes details about land use, infrastructure, transportation, environmental considerations, and community services. ASPs aim to guide growth and ensure that development aligns with broader municipal goals, promoting sustainable and organized urban development.

Standing Stone Industrial Park ASP Bylaw 807

Westland Village ASP Bylaw 767

2010 Westland Village ASP Bylaw 804

Redwater Industrial Park ASP Bylaw 899

Area Outline Plans

An Area Outline Plan (AOP) is a strategic document that provides a conceptual framework for the development of a specific area within a municipality. It typically outlines land use, density, infrastructure needs, and design guidelines, serving as a preliminary step before more detailed planning. AOPs help ensure coordinated development and align with broader community goals and policies.

Redwater Landing Outline Plan

Royal Redwater Estates Development Outline Plan

Alluvium Outline Plan