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Monday Municipality Matters

What You Missed and What’s Coming Up: Municipal Development Plan (MDP) Review Process

Highlights from the Open House – July 3rd 

Members of our MDP Steering Committee, Administration, and Greenspace Alliance were in attendance to provide information to stakeholders and answer questions. There were also interactive displays to gather more feedback. [display link].    Someone of the common questions and their answers:

1. Why are we redoing the MDP?

Municipal Development Plans (MDPs) are required to meet certain standards set by the Municipal Government Act, a law established by the provincial government.

In 2022, the provincial government reviewed our MDP as part of the Municipal Accountability Program (mandatory for towns with less than 2,500 people) and found it didn't fully comply with these standards. They directed us to update the MDP to meet current requirements.

In addition our current MDP hasn't been updated since 2009, so this update will ensure it not only meets provincial standards but also reflects the current needs and desires of our community and residents.

2. What’s the difference between the Land Use Bylaw (LUB) and MDP?

The MDP sets out the high level, broad vision, goals, and policies for long-term community development, while the LUB provides specific regulations and standards for land use and development on individual parcels of land.

MDP Example: might state that the town aims to increase green spaces and recreational areas over the next 20 years to enhance the quality of life for residents.

LUB Example: might specify that in a certain residential zone, any new development must include a certain percentage of green space or parkland, thereby implementing the MDP’s vision on a practical, regulatory level.

3. Did you receive any provincial or federal funding for this project?

No, the Town of Redwater did not receive any provincial or federal funding for the Municipal Development Plan (MDP) update. This project is being funded through the Town’s budget, as we prioritize ensuring our MDP meets both the provincial legislative requirements and the needs of our community.

Funding this project internally allows us to maintain full control over the process and outcomes, ensuring that the MDP reflects the unique priorities and vision of Redwater’s residents and stakeholders.

4. Why are we using a consultant complete the review? 

Many smaller municipalities (we’re a prime example) often do not have the staffing capacity to take on a large projects on their own while still completing their day to day operational tasks. Consultants who have experience with these types of projects can also provide technical support to the Town’s project teams.  While they have the no how it’s important to point out that Administration works closely with any consultants

Consultants play a critical role in providing technical assistance and planning input to address the issues identified by the community. Specific tasks include facilitating public engagement events, drafting policies, preparing maps, and developing the final document.

However, it’s essential to understand that while consultants assist in shaping proposals, the responsibility of ensuring that the final product meets the community's needs and adheres to legislated requirements lies with the Town’s Administration. Administration must provide clear direction and oversight to ensure the project’s success. This distinction is crucial, as poor direction from Administration, can lead to unsatisfactory outcomes.

In summary, while consultants provide expert guidance and support, it is our Administration’s duty to engage with the community, gather feedback, and ensure the MDP aligns with Redwater’s goals and legislative standards.

6. Are you considering implementing a 15-minute city model?

No we are not.  While the idea of a 15-minute city can be beneficial in urban settings, it's not a practical model for a small rural town like Redwater. Residents rely on cars to access services and amenities. Instead of focusing on creating 15-minute neighborhoods, our priority is on improving and maintaining the infrastructure and services that meet the specific needs of our rural setting.

7. Where should I go to find information on the review?

We’ve created a spot on the website just to provide information on the project.   You’ll find the most up to date information here: 

Upcoming Engagement Opportunities

The process of updating the Municipal Development Plan (MDP) is ongoing, and we are committed to involving our community every step of the way. The process won't work without input.  We recognize the importance of your input and are planning additional engagement opportunities to ensure your voice is heard.

In the coming months, we will be conducting another survey to gather more detailed feedback on specific aspects of the MDP. This will be a chance for you to provide your thoughts and ideas on the proposed updates and priorities.  Tell us what you like, what you don’t like about the current MDP and where you think we should be heading and watch for more engagement opportunities.

It's also important to remember that there will be a formal Public Hearing before the final MDP is adopted. This hearing is a key part of the process, providing a structured opportunity for residents to voice their opinions directly to the Town Council. Your participation in these engagement opportunities is crucial to ensuring the MDP reflects the needs and desires of our community.