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Guiding Development in Redwater

"Guiding Development in Redwater" refers to the strategic planning and policies implemented to manage and direct the growth and development of the town of Redwater. This process involves a variety of elements, including:

  1. Urban/Rural Planning: Creating comprehensive plans for land use, zoning, transportation, and infrastructure to ensure sustainable and organized development.

  2. Economic Development: Promoting business growth and investment to boost the local economy, create jobs, and enhance the quality of life for residents.

  3. Environmental Stewardship: Implementing measures to protect natural resources and minimize environmental impact as the town grows.

  4. Community Engagement: Involving residents and stakeholders in the planning process to ensure that development aligns with the needs and desires of the community.

  5. Policy and Regulation: Establishing guidelines, codes, and ordinances to govern development activities and ensure they meet safety, health, and aesthetic standards.

  6. Infrastructure Improvement: Upgrading and expanding essential services such as water, sewage, roads, and public facilities to accommodate growth.

  7. Housing and Development Projects: Planning residential areas to provide adequate housing options for different demographics, including affordable housing.

In Redwater, these elements would be tailored to the specific needs and characteristics of the town, aiming to balance growth with quality of life, economic vitality, and environmental sustainability.

Besides the MDP and Land Use Bylaw there are numerous other town documents that reinforce Redwater’s ability to effectively administer and manage planning with the Town.  These documents include:

Bylaw 864 Intermunicipal Subdivision and Development Appeal Board

Landscaping Standards

Policy 224 Compliance Statements

Policy 225 Encroachments

Policy 226 Landscape Deposits

Policy 504 Installation of Utility Services

Master Services Plan

The Town’s NEW Land Use Bylaw (LUB) PD-01-2023 came into force and effect on January 1, 2024, after public consultation and an intensive year-long review. A LUB is a key planning document that’s key functions:

  • Defining Development: Outlines what qualifies as development or land use.
  • Land Use Districts: Divides the municipality into districts, specifying allowed land uses in each.
  • Permitted and Discretionary Uses: Categorizes land uses as permitted or discretionary within each district.
  • Development Standards: Sets criteria such as land and building size, heights, setbacks, and site coverage for each district.
  • Process Guidelines: Outlining requirements for applying for permits, challenging a development decision and the process to modify the bylaw.
  • Establish Authorities:  Establish the appointment of development authorities for the Town.

Bylaw PD-01-2023 Land Use Bylaw

On March 30, 2021, Bylaw 893 was adopted to create an Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) between Redwater and Sturgeon County. This plan aims to:

  • Promote Local Economy: Set up a plan for economic development in the nearby region.
  • Smooth Coordination: Establish a way for the two municipalities to share information and solve problems together, especially concerning land use.
  • Support Agriculture: Develop rules that help farming and agricultural activities in the area.
  • Open Communication: Ensure ongoing communication and discussions about planning and development between Redwater and Sturgeon County.

The IDP covers various aspects like future growth, land use policies, environmental matters, transportation systems, resource development, utility corridors, communication, referral process, annexation, dispute resolution, and correspondence between the two areas.

Bylaw 893 Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) Sturgeon County/Redwater

At the provincial level, key documents guide how communities plan and develop in Alberta. The Municipal Government Act (MGA) provides the legal foundation, outlining powers and responsibilities. The Subdivision and Development Regulations offer guidelines for the planning process. The Alberta Land Stewardship Act (ALSA) and Land Use Framework establish a regional approach, aiming to balance economic, environmental, and social goals. The North Saskatchewan Regional Plan is our specific region specific region, providing detailed direction for sustainable development. Together, these documents present a framework on how municipalities plan, ensuring thoughtful and balanced growth.

Municipal Government Act

Subdivision and Development Regulations

Alberta Land Stewardship Act (ALSA)

Land-Use Framework (LUF)

North Saskatchewan Regional Plan - in development

Area Structure Plans (ASPs) and Outline Plans serve as detailed guides for specific zones within Redwater, outlining how land will be developed.

Area Structure Plans

An Area Structure Plan (ASP) is a detailed, long-term planning document that outlines the framework for the future development of a specific geographic area within a municipality.

Bylaw 807 Standing Stone Industrial Park ASP

July 2, 2013 - Town Council gave third and final reading to Bylaw 807, Standing Stone Industrial Park Area Structure Plan.

The Town of Redwater is an important part of Alberta’s Industrial Heartland and requires additional industrial and commercial property; Standing Stone Development aims to fulfill a demonstrated market demand.

Standing Stone Developments is currently leasing 160 acres of land one kilometre from the Town of Redwater and five kilometres north of Alberta's Industrial Heartland.

Westland Village ASP Bylaw 767

2010 Westland Village ASP Bylaw 804

This area structure plan provides a general development framework for approximately 66.0 hectares (163.1 ac) of land legally described as the SW Quarter Section 25, Township 57, Range 22, West of 4th Meridian, and located northeast of the intersection of Highway 28 and Highway 38 (48 Avenue in the Town) (see Figure 1). It will provide a planning framework for future detailed redistricting, subdivision, and development.

The area structure plan identifies:

  • future land uses;
  • external access points;
  • a general utility servicing concept;
  • a roadway system for the plan area; and
  • parks and open space amenities.

This Area Structure Plan also provides detailed design guidelines for development within the plan area. These design guidelines are provided due to the relatively high densities proposed for the residential component of the plan area and the need to mitigate any potential land use conflicts carefully.

Redwater Industrial Park ASP Bylaw 899

The Redwater Industrial Park ASP Bylaw, approved on September 7, 2021, outlines the development plan for around 90 acres of land northeast of 51 Ave E and 44 St. Positioned within 10 km North of Alberta's Industrial Heartland, this location is strategically poised to provide additional industrial lots supporting the ongoing activity in the surrounding area. The ASP specifies current and future land uses, external access points, utility servicing concepts, and a road system for the area, including future connections to neighboring lands.

Area Outline Plans

An Area Outline Plan (AOP) is a strategic document that provides a conceptual framework for the development of a specific area within a municipality. It typically outlines land use, density, infrastructure needs, and design guidelines, serving as a preliminary step before more detailed planning. AOPs help ensure coordinated development and align with broader community goals and policies.

Redwater Landing Outline Plan

Royal Redwater Estates Development Outline Plan

Alluvium Outline Plan

Redwater Town Council, on December 22, 2009, approved the Municipal Development Plan, emphasizing Smart Growth principles. These principles aim to improve residents' quality of life, protect the environment, and ensure responsible growth for the town's long-term well-being. Smart Growth themes highlighted in the plan include:

  • Fostering a Town identity which is unique, vibrant, diverse, and inclusive.
  • Engaging Community: Encouraging residents to actively participate in community life and decision-making.
  • Mixed Land Use: Creating a vibrant Downtown Area with a mix of homes, retail, businesses, and recreational spaces.
  • Downtown Redevelopment: Supporting the revitalization of the Town's Downtown through specific land use policies and architectural controls.
  • Transportation Choices: Designing neighbourhoods that are pedestrian and cyclist-friendly, offering safe options beyond just driving.
  • Diverse Housing: Ensuring various housing options for people of different family types, life stages, and income levels.
  • Efficient Infrastructure: Promoting growth in existing neighbourhoods and using infrastructure investments wisely.
  • Preserving Nature: Protecting open spaces, natural beauty, and environmentally sensitive areas to enhance aesthetic, environmental, and financial value.
  • Green Building Practices: Encouraging the use of environmentally friendly building practices and systems for long-term savings and sustainability

The MDP is scheduled for a full review in 2024.

Bylaw 754 Municipal Development Plan